Friday, June 5, 2009

Bible Study 6-3

Hebrews 10:10 "And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

This pretty much sums up the point that we discussed. We no longer need to offer sacrifices to atone for our sins like they did before Jesus under the law of Moses; no more burning farm animals, weeeeeee! Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice to atone for all of the sins we have, do, and will commit against God.

Does this mean we can sin whenever we want then? Of course not! Paul talks about this argument specifically in Romans 6:15. Just because you are saved through the blood of Jesus, God's grace, and unfailing love (meaning he will always love you no matter what), that does not mean you can go out and do whatever you want (sin). Instead, go out and be holy because Jesus is holy. Love ya!

Monday, June 1, 2009


YOOOO, GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!! We had such an amazing weekend at the church. I know God really used us to bless our guests, the congregation, and the community. Steph and I are really proud of you. We're working on getting the audio and video up on the wesite. Once that is uploaded we'll let you know. See you Wednesday.


PS - Don't forget what the Bible says about Pride: Psalm 44:8